
Extra-abled: A person who has adapted to overcome physical, mental, or circumstantial limitations and therefore forged strength and awareness of abilities within themselves.

Mission: To provide dream opportunities for people with extra abilities globally.

Making Dreams Come True Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides adventure and life resources for people with extra-abilities throughout the world so they can make their dreams a reality


True joy is realized when dreams come true! The Founder of Making Dreams Come True, Jennifer Adams, started Making Dreams Come True out of her passion for empowering the extraabled community. Her passion for the mission of MDCT is derived from personal experience as an extraabled person born with missing limbs. Jennifer traveled the world and interacted with many extraabled people in their communities with their families while hearing their stories. This has given her a greater understanding of what the extraabled community needs. MDCT is also run by a board of diverse and talented members who care about extraability advocacy.

MDTC has already reached several participants and groups with the dream of adaptive adventures. MDCT created the Dreamer Award to provide life resources for extraabled entrepreneurs. The Dreamer Award is a monetary gift of $2,500 to be given annually to an aspiring extra-abled entrepreneur. We now offer an adaptive dance class for extra-abled and able-bodied people to dance together.